Nov 16, 2009

Week 1

This week Gabe and I received 23 rants from 16 inmates- one man wrote 7! We were shocked at the amount of letters and are still responding to each one. Many of the men wrote us and said that at first they were not sure of what to rant about and then once they had finished they were surprised to find what they had written.

For this weeks prompt, we decided to jump into creating more theatrical pieces. Yesterday, at 3:30pm, Gabe and I went on the air during Sista's Place on KHSU 90.5FM and we gave out the following prompt:

"Waiting for Godot," written by Samuel Beckett, begins similar to this- there are two men waiting on the side of the road for a third man to pick them up. The two men have been waiting for a while and know each other well. One man says to the other, "There's nothing to be done." Using this set up and this opening line, write the rest of this scene as you imagine it. Keep your scene between 1 and 3 pages and remember to write for the radio with sounds and strong images.

Can't wait to see what we get this week.


  1. Wishing all of the Dell'Arte great success with this timely project. The state of California has the same number of prisons as it does institutions of higher education. Sadly, the prisons are far better funded and yet produce negative results.
    Although I confess to getting angry each time I see or hear a story about another senseless crime, I also know that unless we find ways to prevent the insanity and have a truly humane process towards rehabilitation, I fear we will, as a society continue to be the leading country in the world for crime and punishment with no end in sight.

    Sista Soul

  2. Hello,

    Will you be updating soon? Are you still working on this Pelican Bay project?
